In the early 30s, Payne Avenue Missionary Baptist Church was established by Reverend Horace J. Bailey. A progressive, historically black, congregation flourished with musical style blend of hymns and contemporary gospel and the preaching style considered equally contemporary and upbeat. Since 1996, our leadership includes Pastor R. S. Brown, Jr., 2 Associate Ministers and an active Deacon board. We are a member of the National Baptist Convention, the Tennessee Baptist Missionary and Education (TBME); and The Knoxville District Baptist Association. We offer a wide variety of ministries, i.e. choir, outreach, health, teaching, youth, etc. Our youth ministries offer opportunities for every age group, taught and led by seasoned teachers and advisors.

If you would like to visit us, we’re located at 2714 Martin Luther King Drive, in East Knoxville. Directions can be provided by calling the church office at (865) 524-7234 or by email at payneave@bellsouth.net.

Worship services begin Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 


This Church adopts the Baptist Church Covenant as follows:


Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the nation.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.


We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible,  unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word.


And now unto Him, who brought again from the dead, Our lord Jesus, by Power and Glory forever. Amen.