the general missions


The focus and aims of the General Missions are founded on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the ideals embodied in The Christian’s Pledge, i.e, practicing the teachings of Jesus in dealing with others; dedicating our talents, time and resources to spreading the Word of God; winning others to Christ through witnessing, personal services and ministry; encouraging and guiding young people in Christian work and service.

                                                                Eleanor Manning, President

The work of the General Missions is advanced through three circles: 

Eula Mae Crippen Missionary Circle - Denota Fain, Chair  

Lenora Higgins Missionary Circle - Jackie Ingram, Chair

Ada Hamlett Missionary Circle - Edie DuBose-Grooms, Chair   

the   christian   pledge

I am persuaded by the teachings

Of the blessed Bible-

By daily reading, meditation and communion

With my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ-

To live an upright Christian Life,

To practice His teachings in my

Dealings with my fellowman-

To dedicate my talents and give of

My time, influence, and means

To teaching or spreading the Christian religion

At home and abroad-

To win souls through personal service for Christ-

To encourage and help in the enlistment

Of young people in Christian work-

And to make my home a center

Of Christian light and love.

To these ends - I pledge - to devote myself

And seek divine aid and guidance daily-

That I may become a living witness and

a bright and shining light for my Lord.


  • Monthly Group Bible Study ("The Worker:  A Missionary and Educational Quarterly")
  • Regularly scheduled visits to Sick & Shut-In
  • Monthly meals to Sick and Shut-In
  • Care Packages; Cards/letters; Spiritual Support and encouragement to college students
  • Cards and Flowers for support during times of need.
  • Thanksgiving Baskets to Sick and Shut-In and others in need
  • Christmas Baskets to Sick and Shut-In
  • Special Assistance to members and others in need
  • 5th Sunday Missions Observance
  • Financial and other assistance to Community feeding programs
  • Missions outreach to Ronald McDonald House; Love Kitchen; Holston Healthcare Center; Serenity Shelter.
  • Community participation in Church Women United, Compassion Coalition and others
  • Members actively participate in Sunday School, Choirs, Youth Ministry, Special Events/Programs
  • Active participation in Knoxville District Baptist Association activities
  • Active participation in the Knoxville District Women's Meeting every 4th Saturday at different Churches.