congratulations  2024


A Challenge for Graduates:

Life begins with God, not after Graduation


5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)

During this month we pause to honor all those who are graduating from High School and College.  Some have even received their Masters Degree and beyond.  You should be proud of your accomplishments and achievements; I salute each and every one of you. Now that you are graduating from high school and college, how do you expect your life to change? I can remember reading on many graduation programs the word commencement. The word commencement in Webster’s Dictionary is defined as a beginning or a start. As graduates you are beginning a new phase, a new chapter in the book of your life.  However, it is important for you to understand that Life begins with God, not after graduation. We often succumb to the notion that once we are outside the home, our life begins. Just as soon as we are out of the reach of our parents, then presto, our lives begin. We can’t wait until we graduate.  Desperately yearning for the time when we can make decisions for our self. On our own, Mr./Ms. Independent. You want to make your own money to buy your own things, and do what YOU want to do. That is not true freedom. True freedom is the chance to do what is right. True freedom doesn’t make selfish decisions, but decisions based on what God’s will is! God’s will isn’t always easy. It isn’t always fun. But it is always Right. The world wants to sell you their version of life. There are commercials that infer that if you drink their fluids you obtain the “high life”, or the “good life”. The world wants us to believe that life is about owning material objects. The world has redefined the golden rule to say that the one with all of the gold makes life’s rules, or the one who has the most or best toys at the end wins. The only problem with this lifestyle is that it is false and fleeting, you almost lose the moment you begin because it does not fulfill the inner desires for peace, joy and contentment. We live in a day and time when owning the best can and will only last until tomorrow. Look at how the computers function. What is cutting edge today is a dinosaur tomorrow. Don’t allow the worlds secular viewpoints to influence your spiritual decisions! All the components of “the good life” begin and end with God. We are all thankful for you and seek God’s blessings on all of our graduates and their families as you move forward from this point in your lives. 


5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. 6 Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. 7 Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! 

Proverbs 3:5-7 (THE MESSAGE)


introducing .  .  .

2024  High  School  Grads

Keyshauna  dickey

West High School

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 5:30 pm

isaiah siddell

New Orleans Center of Creative Arts High School

In the Fall of 2024, he will attend

Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA on a Full Scholarship.

2024  College  Grads

Jalen Dominique-Xavier Andrews

University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Bachelor of Art and Science

Major:  Psychology

Minor:  Business Administration

eliza croom

Talladega College

Bachelor of Arts

Biology and Chemistry

Shaquita  mcclendon

South College

Nursing Degree

chantel  Victoria  simpson

University of Tennessee-Knoxville

College of Education

Master's in Education

Graduate Hooding Ceremony

kayla siddelL

We are pleased to congratulate, Dr. Kayla Siddell,

on her graduation from Xavier University of Louisiana with a Degree of Doctorate of Education with Full Honors.

She currently is a faculty member in the Xavier University Library.